In this section we would like to tell you a little bit about what you can expect from student life at NBS.
Events and Networking
Student life shouldn't only be about studying, but also about socializing and having fun. Therefore, each term the party committee – composed of NBS students – organizes a semester party for their fellow students. Get together and have fun! Beside the semester party a lot of other events happen throughout the year, e.g. joint watching of soccer games and having a barbecue on the terrace.
We also offer many opportunities to network and learn more about the "real life" that is wating for you along the road. NBS organizes different networking events during the course of your studies, e.g. in order to get to know people that are already working in well-known companies.
"Cup der Privaten": Football Tournament in Berlin
Once a year, the "Cup der Privaten", a football tournament attended by universities from all over Europe, takes place in Berlin. NBS Northern Business School already participated fice times in the football tournament in May. Usually around 50 teams from countries like Germany, Austria, Italy and Turkey compete against each other on two match days. The "NBS All Stars" team is often accompanied by a number of motivated NBS fans who show full commitment on the sidelines. We are looking forward to the next trip!

The networking event "meet the expert" takes place at least once a semester in all NBS degree programs. For this purpose, a representative of a company from the Hamburg Metropolitan Region is invited to meet with students in a small group, to talk about everyday working life and to answer all questions. For the students, this is a great opportunity to build their own network and gain insights into potential careers. During the covid 19 pandemic, the event takes place virtually.

Other networking events include the forums within the study programs which take place once a year. On an interesting topic, several practitioners are invited to link up the industry and also give students the opportunity to practice networking. These events offer not only exciting and thematically varied lectures, but also the opportunity for professional exchange with students, scientists and practice representatives.

"This time in Hamburg made me realize that my experiences abroad are not over and this was only the very beginning!"
Mariana Cunha, Erasmus student from Lisbon, spent one semester at NBS in Hamburg. Read more about her experience here.
Orientation Day
In the beginning, everything is new and maybe even confusing: Where do the lectures take place? When are the exams? And how can I log into the Wi-Fi? All those questions are answered during the orientation day at the start of your studies at NBS. You will meet the members of the International Office as well as other international students and the German buddies.
College Wear
If you are an international student studying at NBS, we will welcome you with a shirt from our own college wear and ask you to take a picture of you at one of your favorite places in Hamburg wearing it. Please go see a member of the International Office if you just arrived!
You can of course also buy other pieces from the college wear in the online shop: (only in German).
All products are sold without commission; the NBS does not make a profit by selling the college wear.